PhotoReviewer 2.2 released by Stick Software

Blazingly fast photo viewing & organizing app is better than ever

Redwood City, CA, September 16, 2013 — Stick Software announced version 2.2 of PhotoReviewer, a photo management tool for Mac OS X. PhotoReviewer helps you quickly (very quickly!) flip though your photos, choosing which ones are "keepers" and which aren't, sorting them into different folders and renaming them. Compare your images side by side, use the histogram tool to analyze their exposure and contrast, and examine them with the magnifier tool to check their sharpness and focus. PhotoReviewer 2.2 requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later.

PhotoReviewer 2.2 adds a number of improvements and features:

  • PhotoReviewer is now a 64-bit app, making even the biggest reviews fast and easy

  • In-memory downscaling of the reviewed images makes PhotoReviewer take less memory and perform even better when reviewing very large images

  • PhotoReviewer now has more help for judging the exposure of your photos, with tinting of over-exposed and under-exposed pixels, and a display of the percentage of pixels with exposure problems

  • Movable horizontal and vertical rules can be overlaid on your images to check whether the horizon is level, buildings are vertical, and so forth.

PhotoReviewer doesn't compete with iPhoto; rather, it goes between your digital camera and iPhoto. It's the quickest, easiest way to sort and weed your photos. Once you've used PhotoReviewer, you'll never look back.

PhotoReviewer joins Stick Software products such as Eyeballs, Fracture, and Constrictor. It is shareware, with a price of only $15, and it's free to try.

PhotoReviewer's home page
Direct download URL