Eyeballs 3.3 released by Stick Software

Fun desktop companion is now OS X 10.8 compatible!

Rochester, New York, 15 June 2013 — Stick Software announced version 3.3 of Eyeballs, the popular "desktop critter" for Mac OS X. Eyeballs is a fun little app that gives you a set of eyeballs in your menu bar or on your desktop. The eyes watch your cursor move around as you work, and you can configure their appearance and behavior in lots of different ways. They are even skinnable!

With version 3.3, Eyeballs is compatible with OS X 10.6 through 10.8. It is recommended for all users.

Eyeballs, along with such Stick Software products as Fracture, Constrictor, and PhotoReviewer, makes OS X more fun and more aesthetic. It is shareware, with a price of only $10, and it's free to try.

Eyeballs' home page
Direct download URL