Constrictor 3.3 released by Stick Software

Easy, flexible screenshots for Mountain Lion

Rochester, New York, 15 June 2013 — Stick Software announced version 3.3 of Constrictor, a shareware utility for Mac OS X. Constrictor helps you take screenshots, using a positionable frame to grab the right area every time. Snapshots can be scaled, framed and feathered by Constrictor, to save you from having to post-process your shots manually. And they can be saved in five different file formats, copied to the clipboard, or quickly and automatically archived!

With version 3.3, Constrictor is compatible with OS X 10.7 and 10.8. Users on older systems should continue using earlier versions of Constrictor. Upgrading is free for registered Constrictor users.

Constrictor joins Stick Software products such as PhotoReviewer, Eyeballs, Fracture, Aquatint and Jiggler. It is shareware, with a price of only $10, and it's free to try.

Constrictor's home page
Direct download URL